We need to be able to know the context of an oAuth call to be able to make widgets and such which can be used across domains. Right now there is no way to tie a finished oAuth call to the original context. There is a 'state' variable which is part of the original redirect which Rally provides ( https://rallyio-prod.auth.us-west-2.amazoncognito.com/login?client_id=someclientid&response_type=code&scope=aws.cognito.signin.user.admin+email+openid+phone+profile&redirect_uri=https://api.rally.io/v1/oauth/callback/&state=13cd5c86dab4829ba4fc72399ab13caa0e489f0f ) But it does not persist through the login, and only a 'code' variable is returned, which isn't tied to anything in the past. State variable is often used in oAuth for this purpose. So.. can we either persist the 'state' variable through the return oauth callback, or have another passthrough param?