A better way to connect Creators and Community Devs
I am friends with a Creator, which affords me a lot of benefits; any time I'm like "hey, is this a good feature idea" I can get a response of "Yeah, I'd use that." or "Nah, I wouldn't use that." However, it also kind of limits me to only what one Creator would find useful/interesting. I think it would be nice if there was a convenient way for Creators and Community Devs to have a bit more access to each other. This should benefit both sides as it would also give Creators who aren't friends with a developer the easy opportunity to be like "Hey, I have this idea that I'd really like made into a tool". The question is how to do it without annoying a bunch of people who are already busy. My suggestion is just a Discord channel in Rally that requires a specific role to access. This should be more or less self-policing, because if anyone abuses it they lose the role and their access is gone. I would suggest that the role be opt-in for both creators and community-devs, as then it also becomes more "I volunteer" than "I must". We would need some help from at least the Rally Discord admins to get this set up and usable.
Joel Packer
Bi-weekly creator+dev call on Thursdays
Russell Spence
We talked about this in the last dev meeting - great idea overall. I think one of the biggest challenges Rally faces is getting people using the coins in creative ways. The possibilities just aren't well understood today by so many.
I moved this to the Community board as there's no developer based action.
Skot Leach
This is a good topic to brainstorm on in the weekly dev call.
Jennifer Tran
I second thinking more about this. Though I think ideas/messages will get lost in a Discord channel, I think that we should attempt having some digital space where community devs can pitch ideas and get feedback from creators. Could we share the Canny project board with creators as well? Maybe we can also create a Canny project board for creators to submit their ideas/needs/requests?
I found that having creators attend the Community Dev calls as very valuable as well. There should be a rotation of creators who attend the calls.
Another thought - assign community devs to specific community ambassadors. Community ambassadors can have a go-to dev that they can talk to get a general scope of technical requests that creators that they work with are asking. As a community dev, I feel like I kind of understand how community ambassadors are working with creators and how they leverage us to build projects but not quite yet.