Rally website coin values in RLY
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Saharsh Yeruva
Personally, I'm against this since I feel like this would encourage speculation and volatility. On top of that, I think that it would add extra complexity to someone who doesn't really understand the crypto space and just wants to support their favorite creator. They've accepted to buy this $PTM coin thing and now all of a sudden they're hearing about this RLY coin that they have to understand. All in all, I think that keeping it in USD is better for rally.io long-term since it reduces complexity for the average supporter.
Tino Mutasa
Saharsh Yeruva: I think your points are very valid but I disagree as people cannot trust putting their money somewhere if they can not easily track its movement. It also minimises the real creator coin value as its more difficult to not whether the creator coin is rising due to popularity or rally and vice versa
Shyam Kumar
Saharsh Yeruva: This could just be included as an option to swap between the charts. For some one who is just interested in creator coin they could just use the CC VS USD chart and viz.
Cannibal Sheep
Saharsh Yeruva: I strongly disagree. I believe that an individual who has access to that kind of information has an unfair edge over "the average joe". I don't think it's an unreasonable thing to ask in order to maintain a fair marketplace.
Emiel Langeberg
Saharsh Yeruva: I get your point about speculation and volatility. But now that a graph has been introduced, the situation with showing USD is currently very confusing. Because it mainly reflects how well RLY is doing, and not how well a creator coin is doing.
Example: if a creator coin is losing 5% value in RLY, but Rally goes up 10% in a day, the graph will show an increase, while the creator coin value is actually decreasing (more sells then buys). It is super confusing to see a graph that is rising, while the coin is only being sold.
In other words: a graph showing the value of a creator coin in USD does not help anyone. Solution would be not to have the graph, or to have the graph (optional) in RLY
Walt Collins
Saharsh Yeruva: Yes, they should absolutely understand this RLY coin thing.
The USD value of the coins they hold is directly affected by both the USD/RLY exchange rate, and the relative popularity of the individual coin. Graphing only the USD/coin value wrongly implies that the coin's underlying RLY value is unimportant.
If we want to give new community members (i.e. holders of our creator coins) the best user experience, we should be as transparent as possible about the value they've purchased, and how it changes over time.
As for encouraging speculation, we've already got plenty of speculators buying and selling coins in our economies. I personally don't have a problem with it, but even if you do, you should realize that value transparency will serve to level the playing field between speculators and casual community members.