I am friends with a Creator, which affords me a lot of benefits; any time I'm like "hey, is this a good feature idea" I can get a response of "Yeah, I'd use that." or "Nah, I wouldn't use that." However, it also kind of limits me to only what one Creator would find useful/interesting. I think it would be nice if there was a convenient way for Creators and Community Devs to have a bit more access to each other. This should benefit both sides as it would also give Creators who aren't friends with a developer the easy opportunity to be like "Hey, I have this idea that I'd really like made into a tool". The question is how to do it without annoying a bunch of people who are already busy. My suggestion is just a Discord channel in Rally that requires a specific role to access. This should be more or less self-policing, because if anyone abuses it they lose the role and their access is gone. I would suggest that the role be opt-in for both creators and community-devs, as then it also becomes more "I volunteer" than "I must". We would need some help from at least the Rally Discord admins to get this set up and usable.